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Miscarriage and Infertility Books

Books speak to my English teacher heart, but I'm totally honest with you I found books hard to handle during this season. They seemed overwhelming, but these are a few that I found that were in easy to bit chunks, the message was so strong that reading it didn't seem overwhelming, or a mixture of both. I also found audiobooks to be helpful also (no it's not cheating reading) Below you'll find a mix of adult books, children's books, and devotionals that might be supportive for you.

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Adult Books



This book is written by a fellow loss mom who battles other health issues as well. This book is written from her perspective but also includes others' stories to share different viewpoints of a hard season for so many. This book is written in a way where it is easy to pick up, read a bit, and set back down if you need to. 


This book was suggested to me by a friend soon after I posted my blog "I Am More Than One in Four" that shared the story of our miscarriage. It is written by a marriage and family therapist. I chose to listen to the audio version of this because I was struggling to find joy in reading at this point. This book challenged me to see how my reactive and coping mechanisms weren't working, find joy in the season, and challenge what I found my identity in. 



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Through my season of grieving people said the wrong thing, didn't say anything, or a mix of the two. As much as people had good intentions in mind, those words or actions can hurt deep and be hard to forgive. This book helped me work through those feelings of hurt and resentment - even when I really didn't want to have to work through it. 


The title speaks for itself, but when my heart was feeling this way this book put words and truths to the hurt and disappointment that festered in my heart during disappointment after disappointment. 




"You are not stuck. You are not behind. You are simply on the divine middle ground"

I had the opportunity to preread a copy of this book, and man does it speak to seasons like these. Jordan speaks to her own experience with losses, waiting, and trudging through the valley of almost. her story shares many raw moments that are relatable and encouragement that are so sweet to hear in a season of unknowns. 

Children's Books


This board book shares the story of a family who has experienced challenged on the journey to parenthood. It celebrates the courage for those involved in infertility and loss. 



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This book was written by the creator of the Instagram account Bloom Like Magnolia after the death of her daughter, Magnolia. This book is filled with poetry to help children of all ages understand the heavy topic of miscarriage, infant loss, and stillbirth. This book includes both babies who join us earth here on earth and ones that aren't able to stay.



This devotional focuses on the book of Habakkuk in the bible, not a usually focused on book but one that focuses on a person in waiting. I found much hope in Habakkuk's story of waiting and grieving the life he thought he would have. 




This devotional gave me so many ways to look at the sorrow that I felt, replace the lies I had buried deep in my soul with Gods' truths about sorrow, shame, hope and hopelessness, and focusing on the remaking this season was allowing. 


This devotional covers many parts of the Beatitudes included in the Bible, but the part I found most helpful was the focus on mourning and meekness - man it hits hard but so good. 

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