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This journey is not easy no matter how you look at it. Through this journey I have found a so many  resources that have made the journey easier to travel and have helped me process the grief of this trauma. Here are some of the resources I've found most supportive during this time. Everyone's journey is different and no two journeys are the same, but I hope maybe one of these resources might be what you are looking for in this season of hurt, disappointment, and waiting. Some may be helpful to you and some may not, so feel free to take what your heart needs in this season. 

To be honest, the Low Iodine Diet to prepare for Radioactive Iodine SUCKED. My two weeks of the diet fell the last two weeks of school so that didn't help either - I felt rushed, didn't have very many resources and just was scrounging stuff together it felt like. Since then, I've found many resources that I wish I would have known about. Hopefully they help you or someone you love! Check out the resources here!

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